Prep and Aftercare

Hydration and Rest
: Stay well-hydrated and get a good night's sleep before your appointment. Being well-rested can help with pain tolerance.

Eat Beforehand: Have a balanced meal a few hours before your session to keep your blood sugar levels stable. Avoid heavy, greasy foods that could make you feel queasy during the tattoo.

Dress Comfortably: Wear clothing that allows easy access to the area where you'll be tattooed. Loose-fitting and comfortable attire is ideal.

Avoid Alcohol and Blood Thinners: Alcohol and blood-thinning medications can increase bleeding during the tattoo session. Avoid them in the 24 hours leading up to your appointment.

Skin Conditions: Sunburned or areas with scar tissue will need to be healed before getting tattooed.

Stay Clean: Take a shower before your session, ensuring you're clean and free from any oils, lotions, or perfumes that could interfere with the tattoo process.

Bring Entertainment: Tattoo sessions can be lengthy, so bring something to keep yourself entertained, like a book, music, or headphones.

Stay Relaxed: Nervousness is normal, but try to stay relaxed. Deep breathing exercises can help manage anxiety during the session.

Communicate with Your Artist: If you're feeling uncomfortable or need a break during the tattoo, don't hesitate to communicate with your artist. They want the experience to be as positive as possible.

Payment and Tip: Have your payment ready, including a tip for your artist. Tattoo artists rely on tips, so it's good etiquette to show your appreciation for their work.

Follow Aftercare Instructions: Be prepared to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your artist to ensure your tattoo heals properly.

Remember that getting a tattoo is a personal experience, and it's essential to be mentally and physically prepared. Your tattoo artist will also provide guidance specific to their preferences and studio policies, so always follow their recommendations for the best results.


Wash Your Hands: Always start with clean hands before touching your tattoo.

Leave the Wrap On: Your tattoo artist may have covered your new tattoo with a plastic wrap or bandage. Leave this on for a few hours (usually 2-3 hours) to protect it from bacteria.

Gently Cleanse: After removing the wrap, use lukewarm water and a mild, fragrance-free soap to gently cleanse your tattoo. Pat it dry with a clean paper towel and let it air dry until it begins to feel tight.

Apply a Thin Layer of Aquaphor: Using a clean finger, apply a very thin layer of Aquaphor over your tattoo. Make sure it's completely absorbed, and don't overdo it – a little goes a long way.

Repeat 2-3 Times Daily: Apply Aquaphor 2-3 times a day or as needed to keep the tattoo moisturized. Don't let it dry out or become too saturated. Always wash hands before applying.

Avoid Sun and Water: Protect your tattoo from direct sunlight, swimming, and hot tubs during the healing process. These can fade and irritate the tattoo.

Loose Clothing: Wear loose, breathable clothing to avoid friction and irritation.

No Picking or Scratching: Avoid touching, picking, or scratching your tattoo to prevent infection and scarring.

Skip the Gym/Physical Activities: Avoid intense workouts and sweating, as it can irritate the tattoo. Wait until it's fully healed.

Be Patient: Healing times vary, but it typically takes 2-4 weeks. Your tattoo will go through peeling and scabbing – don't pick at it!

Consult a Professional: If you notice signs of infection (excessive redness, swelling, or discharge), consult your tattoo artist or a medical professional immediately.

Remember that everyone's skin reacts differently to tattoo aftercare products. If you experience any adverse reactions or have specific concerns, consult your tattoo artist or a dermatologist for personalized guidance.